Writings Marissa Valeri Writings Marissa Valeri

Rockville Residents Deserve the Truth

It’s no wonder that a lot of folks are cynical when it comes to politics. All of a sudden, you see an elected official in your neighborhood when you didn’t see them in the non-election years. Candidates promise and say just about anything to sway voters. But are they telling you the truth?

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Articles Marissa Valeri Articles Marissa Valeri

Marissa Valeri running for Rockville City Council

“Montgomery County native and Rockville community leader Marissa Valeri is running for a seat on the Rockville City Council in this November’s election. Valeri’s campaign said in a statement that she is the only Council candidate from the east side of Rockville Pike to declare their candidacy so far. The filing deadline for submitting a nominating petition is September 8, 2023.”

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